TitleDefinitionContact InformationData Update Date
% Gross CapacityThe number of students enrolled or projected to be enrolled at a school shown as a percentage of the total gross capacity of the school in the corresponding year.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 October April
% LOS CapacityThe number of students enrolled or projected to be enrolled at a school shown as a percentage of the total LOS capacity of the school in the corresponding year.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 October April
% Permanent CapacityThe number of students enrolled or projected to be enrolled at a school shown as a percentage of the total permanent capacity of the school in the corresponding year.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 October April
Anticipated Gross CapacityAnticipated Gross Capacity is the estimated future total capacity of a school’s permanent, modular, and relocatable classrooms, after any planned classroom additions and/or demolitions have been completed.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 October April
Approx Project Completion DateThe year in which the certificate of occupancy (CO) is estimated to be issued for any newly constructed or renovated educational facility.Sonja Coley, Director of Construction, Office of Capital Programs (754) 321-1520 September
Approximate Permanent Capacity After Demolition/ConstructionThe anticipated resulting permanent capacity after planned demolition or construction of classroom space is completed.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 October April
Benchmark DayThe Benchmark Day is the District’s official enrollment reporting day for the school year, designated as the Monday, or first school day thereafter, following the Labor Day Holiday. Benchmark enrollment is a count of the total students enrolled in the BCPS student database on that day.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
Broward Community SchoolsBroward Community Schools are adult education programs co-located within available classroom space at District schools or annex sites, and offer courses such as ESOL, GED, Adult High School Diploma, Adult and Family Literacy. These fee-based programs may operate during the day or at night, depending on campus access restrictions, and typically occupy dedicated spaces which are often counted in the host school site’s total FISH capacity.Jonathan Williams, Principal, Community Schools North (754) 321-6761 October
Class Size ReductionClass Size Reduction, defined in Florida Statute 1003.03, limits the number of students assigned in core classrooms to a maximum of 18 students for grades PK-3, 22 students for grades 4-8, and 25 students for grades 9-12. Compliance with class size maximums is measured at the school-wide average by grade group for all charter schools and public schools of choice per section 1002.31(5), F.S.Christine LaNovara, Evaluation Administrator, Budget (754) 321-2530  
Contract CapacityThe total number of students for whom a charter school is contracted to provide educational services as specified in its charter. Section 1002.331(2)(a), Florida Statutes, allows a high-performing charter school to increase its student enrollment once per school year to more than the capacity identified in the charter, but student enrollment may not exceed the capacity of the facility at the time the enrollment increase will take effect.Donté Fulton-Collins, Director, Choice/Charter Schools Management Support (754) 321-2135 October April
Core Dining CapacityCore Dining Capacity is the number of students a school’s dining space can accommodate over three lunch periods per day. It is based on a formula defined in the State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF) and is driven solely by the square footage of the dining area.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
DemolitionDemolition indicates whether or not a removal of classroom space is planned at an individual school site.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September
Demolition CapacityDemolition Capacity is the anticipated final capacity of a school after classroom space planned for demolition is removed. The reduction in capacity is reflected in the school year in which the demolition is expected to be completed.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 October April
EnrollmentThe number of students enrolled at a school on the annual benchmark day- designated as the Monday, or first school day thereafter, following the Labor Day holiday- as reported in the BCPS student database.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
Enrollment ProjectionsThe number of students anticipated to attend a school in each of the next five years. Projected enrollment is calculated using a Cohort Survival method that incorporates recent years’ enrollment trends, new residential housing construction, birth rates, and school choice. Five-year enrollment projections are produced in the fall following the Benchmark Day and may be updated in the spring to incorporate school boundary or school usage changes adopted by the School Board as part of the annual school boundary process.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 October April
ESE Special ProgramsExceptional Student Education (ESE) Special Programs are self-contained classes of ESE students whose Individual Education Plan (IEP) necessitates a more restrictive environment than the mainstream classroom environment. ESE Special Programs are organized by primary exceptionality and may serve a region of adjacent schools in order to maximize available resources. Students with specific IEP’s may be assigned by District staff to attend regional ESE Special Programs as needed.Sabrina Sheib, Director, ESE Curriculum (754) 321-3400 October April
Free or Reduced Lunch % (FRL%)Percentage of students at a school as of the benchmark day eligible for free or reduced price meals.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
Gross CapacityGross Capacity is the total of all permanent, modular, and relocatable (portable) capacity at a school site. This number is determined through the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH).Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Head Start ProgramsThe number of Head Start students and programs at each school. Head Start students enrolled in Head Start/ESE Integrated classes (classes with both typically developing Head Start students and students with disabilities), are reported under the ESE Cluster Programs. This data is provided by the Preschool ESE Department.Sharonda Davis‐Bailey, Director, Early Childhood Education (754) 321-1972 October April
In Boundary Students (IBS)The number of students attending their assigned home boundary school.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 October
LOSLevel of Service indicates the capacity per unit of demand for a public facility. The public school concurrency standard requires Broward County, the Municipalities, and the School Board to achieve and maintain the adopted Level of Service (LOS) for Broward County Public Schools. The public school concurrency standard requires that all proposed plat and site plan (or functional equivalent) applications containing residential units be reviewed to ensure that adequate school capacity will be available prior to or concurrent with the impact of the proposed residential development, to accommodate the additional student growth at the adopted concurrency service area. Level of Service does not apply to schools without assigned attendance area boundaries. Per the Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement for Public School Concurrency (TRILA), LOS is defined as the greater of 110% of a school’s permanent capacity, or 100% of its gross capacity.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 October April
LOS Capacity The adopted Level of Service in Broward County for public school concurrency is the greater of 110% of a school’s permanent capacity, or 100% of its gross capacity. A school having an enrollment/projected enrollment greater than 100% of its LOS Capacity does not meet the Adopted Level of Service (i.e. sufficient capacity is not in place to accommodate the current enrollment or future enrollment as a result of new residential development). LOS does not apply to schools without assigned attendance area boundaries.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 October April
Magnet StudentsThe total number of out-of-boundary students at a school who are participating in a Magnet program (if available at the school), reported on the Benchmark Day. This number does not include in-boundary students who may be enrolled in the magnet program.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
Meets LOSIndicates whether or not a school’s enrollment/projected enrollment is less than 100% of its Anticipated LOS Capacity. LOS does not apply to schools without assigned attendance area boundaries.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 October April
Modular Building(also known as "factory built") A structure that forms a complete building when combined with other modules or structural components and/or a demountable roof and/or wall sections. A modular building can also be a relocatable building. Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Modular CapacityThe Modular Capacity of a school is the total number of satisfactory student stations contained in modular buildings, multiplied by a utilization rate specific to the level and type of school. This number is determined through the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH).Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Number of RelocatablesThe total number of relocatable buildings, with and without capacity, on a campus.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
OCLCThe Off Campus Learning CentersKristin Baltazar, Principal, Henry D. Perry Education Center, The Off Campus Learning Centers (754) 321-7054 October
OSP Cumulative TotalThe number of students in all grade levels that attend a school as a result of Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP). This data is provided annually based on the Benchmark Day of enrollment as reported from the student database.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
OSP InOSP In shows the number of new students enrolling at a school through the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP), as reported in the student database on the Benchmark Day.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
OSP OutOSP Out shows the number of new students leaving a school in the current year through the Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP), as reported in the student database on the Benchmark Day.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
Out of Boundary Students (OOBS)The number of students attending a school that is not their assigned home boundary school.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 October
Over/Under Gross Capacity The number of students, as reported on the Benchmark Day, over or under the total gross capacity of the school.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
Over/Under Perm CapacityThe number of students, as reported on the Benchmark Day, over or under the total permanent capacity of the school.Joseph Beck, Director, Demographics & Enrollment Planning (754) 321-2565 September
Permanent BuildingA structure built with a fixed foundation that has permanently attached walls, roof and floor that cannot be moved or transported either as a unit or in sections.Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Permanent CapacityThe Permanent Capacity of a school is the total number of satisfactory student stations contained in permanent buildings, multiplied by a utilization rate specific to the level and type of school. This number is determined through the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH).Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Relocatable Building(also known as "portable") A building or portion of a building made of prefabricated units that can be disassembled and reassembled frequently, or a single unit of construction consisting of walls, roof and floor that is movable as a unit either on wheels or by truck. Mobile, demountable, dividable, modular and portable buildings are types of relocatable units. (Note relocatable buildings should be considered as temporary accommodations and not considered as part of the permanent capacity of an educational facility.)Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Relocatable CapacityThe Relocatable Capacity of a school is the total number of satisfactory student stations contained in relocatable buildings, multiplied by a utilization rate specific to the level and type of school. This number is determined through the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH). Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning and Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Relocatables with CapacityThe total number of relocatable buildings on a campus that contain identified student stations that are deemed as satisfactory for occupancy. Chris Akagbosu, Director, Facility Planning & Real Estate (754) 321-2160 September April
Site LimitationsSite Limitations designates whether or not a school site has sufficient and suitable land available for the construction of additional classroom space.Sonja Coley, Director of Construction, Office of Capital Programs (754) 321-1520 September April
VPKThe number of District Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) students and programs at each school. Non-VPK students enrolled in VPK/ESE Integrated classes (classes with typically developing VPK students and students with disabilities), are reported under the ESE Special Programs.Sharonda Davis‐Bailey, Director, Early Childhood Education (754) 321-1972 October

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